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City of Dallas Resident Resource Guide – Updated 4/17/2020

Dear City of Dallas Residents:

In this email, you will find a list of resources available as of today, April 17th, regarding

finances and COVID-19 topics such as unemployment, paying rent and mortgages, student

loans, utilities, food assistance, resources for businesses and more. This will remain a living

document and we will send you regular updates with new resources added. Grocery stores,

pharmacies, daycare centers, banks, and hardware stores remain open. Restaurants may

still operate takeout and delivery services.

Please feel free to share this with your friends, family, coworkers, community, or anyone else

who could use it. If you have additional information you wish to share with your neighbors and

community, please do not hesitate to contact our office at

Additionally, VisitDallas and Uptown Dallas have compiled a list to feature Dallas restaurants

who are still operating and offering home delivery. Please promote #TakeOutTuesday in your

neighborhoods and networks. Encourage people to order take out or delivery from local

restaurants every Tuesday! Follow their Facebook @TakeOutTues

We continue to provide information at the City’s dedicated COVID-19 website here. Dallas

County also has valuable information here.

There are two COVID-19 testing sites in Dallas open from 8am to 8pm or when daily test kit

availability runs out. Criteria for testing sites is as follows: shortness of breath, cough, must

show a temperature of 99.6 or higher. The sites are located at: American Airlines Center,

Parking Lot E, 2500 Victory Plaza and Ellis Davis Field House, 9191 S Polk St.

DFW COVID-19 Regional Summary Dashboard: A dashboard of total cases of COVID-19,

new cases, deaths, and 311 COVID-19 calls can be viewed here.

The Parkland Center for Clinical Innovation in partnership with Dallas County Health and

Human Services created an interactive map of COVID-19 cases by Dallas County ZIP

codes. Map can be viewed here.

The City of Dallas’ Office of Equity and Inclusion invites anyone in need of services to visit

the new Community Resource Hub at The

Community Resource Hub is an online directory identifying hundreds of community services

available to North Texas residents during the COVID-19 crisis.

Unemployment and Workers’ Comp

● Anyone who has lost their job due to coronavirus or has had to take time off to self- quarantine or care for a sick relative (and does not get paid sick time from work) may

apply for UNEMPLOYMENT insurance. Information on that can be found here. Per

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the Workforce Commission, “a delay in filing will not impact the benefits you receive,

your benefits are tied to your date of layoff, not filing date.”

● The Texas Workforce Commission has launched a new automated virtual assistant

to help Texans sign up for unemployment insurance. The artificial intelligence- enabled chatbot can instantly answer many of the most common questions about the

UI process

● Anyone whose job has brought them into direct contact with someone with

coronavirus (for instance, a first responder or a health care worker) and has become

ill or is required to quarantine can file for WORKERS’ COMP. File for that here.

● If you or a friend or family member are out of work, the Texas Workforce

Commission provides support services.

Financial Assistance

The City of Dallas Rental Assistance Social Services Financial Assistance

● Provides emergency assistance to individuals and families who have experienced a

temporary financial crisis. The appointment lines are open Monday through Friday,

from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

○ Rental assistance to persons at-risk of homelessness and who are low-income

(below 30% of the area median income).

○ Assistance with utility bills (electric, gas and water) up to once per year (with

exceptions for “blitz” events determined by funder) in an amount not to exceed

$300 available for customers of Reliant Energy, TXU and ATMOS Energy.

Additionally, support is administered through the Dallas Water Share.

● Help Line Contacts and Appointments

○ Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Social Services - 214-670-8416

○ West Dallas Multipurpose Center Social Services - 214-670-6530

● The IRS has deferred the federal tax filing deadline to July 15th. Find more

information on Coronavirus tax relief here.

● The U.S. Department of Treasury has a list of financial resources for consumers.

● Residents can call 211 or visit and give their zip code for a list of

local financial and in-kind resources available in their area.

● Find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs,

including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic by visiting

● The Salvation Army is serving in the community by offering: drive-thru food pantries

at 13 locations; educational programming for our shelters with children to continue

their education; remote learning opportunities for children across the region; financial

assistance for rent/mortgage, utilities and prescription medication; and food delivery

for seniors and veterans. Income verification and other typical requirements for

assistance have been suspended to serve anyone that is in need. Check here for the

location nearest you.

● Texans who believe they have encountered price gouging or disaster scams should

call the Office of the Attorney General’s toll-free complaint line at (800) 621-0508 or

file a complaint online. For additional information on disaster scams, please visit our

disaster scams website.

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Trouble Paying Rent or Mortgage

● The Texas Supreme Court issued an order suspending all evictions until April 19, 2020:

● The Dallas County Justices of the Peace also issued an order suspending all evictions

for sixty days.

● In summary, per guidance from a Dallas County Justice of the Peace:

○ ALL Eviction cases are currently postponed and continued for 60 days

▪ Residential or Commercial;

▪ Currently pending or filed within the 60-day period

o ALL Writs of Possession are currently postponed and continued for 60 days

▪ Residential or Commercial;

▪ Previously requested or requested within the 60-day period

o Lockouts are not addressed in any current emergency order – Texas Property

Code, Chapters 92 and 93, control

▪ Residential lockout tenants must be provided a key upon request whether

rent is brought current or not;

▪ Commercial lockout tenants must only be provided a key when the rent is

NOT delinquent– provided that all other requirements of the lockout were in

accordance with the Texas Property Code

o Writs of Re-Entry are not addressed in any current order – Texas Property Code,

Chapters 92 and 93, control

▪ Residential or Commercial tenants that are illegally locked out may seek relief

from the Justice of the Peace in the precinct in which the property is located

▪ Residential landlords may be ordered to provide the tenant a key and the

Court has authority to enforce its order;

▪ Commercial landlords may only be ordered provide a tenant with a key when

the rent is NOT delinquent – provided that all other requirements of the

lockout were in accordance with the Texas Property Code

• Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins’ Order states that Dallas County Justices of the

Peace cannot proceed with evictions until May 18, 2020 (date subject to change). If

you have concerns, volunteer attorneys are on stand-by to assist. Send an email to:, and a volunteer lawyer will get back with you.

Include your name, contact and landlord information, and other pertinent facts. The

service is free.

• Dallas County is rolling out a tenant helpline and email address for tenants who have

been evicted (despite the order) or who are pending eviction. *Please note the hotline

calls are being monitored by the Dallas County Unincorporated Services Department

(in case callers receive their voicemail). / 214-653-

6563 or 833-743-0072.

• The below information and information about the initial order suspending evictions, is

available at: (in English

and Spanish). Prior to contacting the hotline, residents are being advised:

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o Tenants engaged in criminal activity or causing an imminent threat to health and

safety may be subject to eviction prior to the aforementioned date.

o Tenants maintain responsibility for paying their rent.

o Tenants are encouraged to contact their landlord and make sure they are aware

when eviction moratoriums are in place.

o When having difficulty paying rent, tenants should attempt to make payments

and/or establish a payment schedule with their landlord.

• Once you have taken the above steps and for all other tenants, if you have been

evicted or notified of a pending eviction, notify the Tenant Hotline by email or phone: / 214-653-6563 or 833-743-0072.

• The federal government announced they are suspending all HUD foreclosures and

evictions for 60 days.

• If you don’t have enough money to pay, contact your lender or landlord immediately.

Help includes:

o If you are a Dallas Housing Authority client, please immediately report any loss of

income in order to reduce your portion of rent and inspections will be restricted to

health and safety only.

o Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Foreclosure Prevention 1-

888-995-HOPE (4673)

o Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Social Services - 214-670-8416

o West Dallas Multipurpose Center Social Services - 214-670-6530

o Texas Attorney General Consumer Protection or call 800-621-0508

● Texas Health and Human Services Commission has resources available. There may

be vouchers to assist those in need with paying their rent. Also get government

assistance with other needs, including lease application fees, information on low

income housing and security deposits. Dial 1-877-541-7905 to find additional ways

to get rent help.

● Texas offers programs that can help you with paying your mortgage and also avoid

foreclosure. Local resources, including government and non-profit assistance, can

help qualified homeowners

● Homeowners have other resources too. Also click here for a listing of Texas HUD

counseling agencies that provide free foreclosure counseling.

● Information from the City of Dallas on eviction and foreclosure can be found here.

● Information from the City of Dallas on Housing and Urban Development COVID-19

Funding Allocation can be found here.

● The City of Dallas is developing a Rental Assistance Program. It will go to the

tenants who are income eligible. Payments will be made directly to landlords. Any

landlords renting to income eligible tenants should encourage their tenants to apply

when the program opens next month.

● The Entrepreneurship and Community Development Clinic at The University of

Texas School of Law has launched a new website that tracks housing policies

adopted by the federal government, State of Texas, and local jurisdictions to help

Texas residents stay in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic and

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accompanying financial crisis. The site covers renter protections, foreclosure

protections, and utility access protections.

● The City of Dallas Fair Housing and Human Rights Office has information here.

Homeless Shelter and Residential Programs

• The City of Dallas Office of Homeless Solutions launched the effort of moving

persons into hotel rooms. OHS’ priority groups are:

○ Persons experiencing homelessness, in need of quarantine

○ Persons in shelters and on the “Priority Housing List”

• OHS will coordinate continued service for these guests. OHS will work with partners

to identify and secure rental property and provide assistance for a period of up to 6

months for guest ready for housing. This process will serve the purposes of freeing

up beds in shelters and getting people into their own home. Long term case

management will be provided to anyone getting placed in a new home.

• Information on The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center can be found here.

• Information on Austin Street Center can be found here.

• Information on Family Gateway can be found here.

• Viola's House | A Maternity Home for Homeless Teenagers

Paying Utilities

● Electricity. Under a new program called the COVID-19 Electricity Relief Plan, the

Public Utility Commission of Texas has ordered all Retail Electric Providers to

immediately offer a deferred payment plan to any residential customer who requests

it. Retail electric providers must also suspend disconnections for residential customers

who have been added to the state’s unemployment and low-income list due to the

effects of COVID-19. To enroll, contact the state’s low-Income list administrator at 866-

454-8387. Their call center is open 24/7. If you do not qualify for the state’s

unemployment and low-income list, contact your individual service provider’s

customer service line for alternate assistance options for your plan.

● Gas. On March 14, Atmos Energy announced it would temporarily suspend

disconnections for all Atmos Energy customers. If you have questions related to your

gas bill, please contact Atmos Energy at 888-286-6700. If you need assistance paying

your bill and are not already enrolled to receive assistance through Atmos Energy’s

Sharing the Warmth program, please call 211 to find a Share the Warmth non-profit

partner, or visit your-bill.

● Dallas Water Utilities have suspended disconnections at this time.

● Charter Communications is offering free access to Spectrum Broadband and Wi-Fi

for 60 days for new K-12 and College Student households. Residents should call: 1-

844-488-8395. Charter is also working with school districts to ensure that

communication is provided about the free wi-fi; Charter continues to offer Spectrum

Assist for households without school-aged children; Charter is also opening its Wi-Fi

hotspots for public use.

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Food Assistance and Donation

● Here is a list of open food pantries inclusive of hours.

● North Texas Food Bank has shifted to box distribution model with partner agencies.

Food4Kids and School Pantry programs remain fully functional, and they are

partnering with the City to deliver snack/hydration kits to the homeless.

● Dallas County Health and Human Services Older Adult Services Program is

currently providing meals delivered to homebound seniors. There is a drive-thru for

hot meal pick-up service set up at each senior center location. Seniors needing

these resources can call 214-819-1860 to enroll.

● Crossroads Community Services food pantry details can be found here.

● Meals will be provided to all children at most district middle and high schools and will

be distributed twice a week, on Monday and Thursday between 10 AM and 1 PM.

On Monday you will receive Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper for Monday, Tuesday,

and Wednesday. Thursday will have Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper for the rest of the

week, including Saturday. For pick up locations and menus, visit this link.

● KIPP charter schools providing healthy, ready-to-heat breakfast and lunch to any

student 19 or younger in our communities, not just to students enrolled at a KIPP

Texas campus. Our meal pickup details are all available through the Texas

Education Agency’s new meal finder website.

● The City of Dallas WIC Program will be offering WIC benefits by phone only

from March 21, 2020 to April 30, 2020. Please contact us using one of the following:

○ If you need benefits for the first time, please enroll at, and

you will be contacted.

○ Call 214-670-7200 or 1-800-942-3678.

○ Current clients can update your contact information by emailing

○ Breastfeeding questions? Call 214-670-7222.

• Texas Department of Health and Human Services announced the Supplemental

Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Medicaid benefits will automatically be

renewed so existing clients can maintain uninterrupted coverage during the COVID- 19 public health crisis. This means people who have Medicaid can keep their

Medicaid without signing up to renew.

o Texas is also waiving interview requirements for households applying for

SNAP. Households are not required to complete an interview before approval

if identity has been verified and mandatory verification steps are completed.

o Members will be notified when it is time to renew again.

o Texans in need can apply for benefits, including SNAP and Medicaid, at or use the Your Texas Benefits mobile app to

manage benefits.

● Pet food resource - any family, community organization, or rescue group who needs

help with dog food; please feel free to reach out to Ninfa Beltran with the SPCA at She will be coordinating and facilitating the distribution of dog


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Insurance Issues

The Texas Department of Insurance has resources and information available for consumers

who have insurance related questions.

For Businesses

● The City of Dallas has issued a Second Amended Emergency Regulation Order to

prevent the spread of COVID-19. According to section three of the Second Amended

Emergency Regulation Order, businesses impacted by COVID-19 must visibly post

the Second Amended Emergency Regulation Order on their facility and provide a

copy to their employees upon request.

● The City of Dallas Department of Code Compliance will issue notices of violations for

businesses that do not comply with the Second Amended Emergency Regulation


● The Stay Home Stay Safe Order permits restaurants and microbreweries, micro- distilleries or wineries to operate for takeout and drive-in or drive-thru only.

● The City of Dallas Office of Economic Development has created a web page with

information for small businesses.

● The State of Texas has officially declared a state of emergency. Businesses are

encouraged to fill out Economic Injury worksheets to prepare for distribution of

disaster relief funds.

● A loan program has been established by the Small Business Administration,

specifically for those impacted by the coronavirus.

● Facebook also has a $100 million Small Grants Program accessible here.

● For businesses struggling to pay the full amount of sales taxes they collected in

February, the Texas Comptroller’s Office is offering assistance in the form of short- term payment agreements and, in most instances, waivers of penalties and interest.

We ask that you contact our Enforcement Hotline at 800-252-8880 to learn about

your options for remaining in compliance and avoiding interest and late fees on taxes


● The Texas Restaurant Association has launched a restaurant relief fund.

● Businesses and residents with questions regarding essential status can email

● City of Dallas - Office of Business Diversity - Home

● TWU’s Center for Women Entrepreneurs has created an AssistHer Emergency

Relief Grant.

Mental Health Resources

The Texas Department of Health and Human Services has extensive resources available

for mental health support, including those facing a mental health crisis. Call the toll-free

COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line at 833-986-1919.

The Metrocare Coronavirus Support Line is available during our normal business hours

Monday through Friday for those Dallas County residents experiencing high anxiety or

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depression during these turbulent times. Metrocare’s professionals will assist individuals in

accessing our mental health services and provide referrals for other services that may be

needed. The Metrocare Coronavirus Support Line for Dallas County is 214-743-1215.Nick

Losada <>

North Texas Behavioral Health Authority - Individuals can contact the 24/7 COVID-19

Mental Health Support Line at 833-251-7544. Those needing support outside of the COVID- 19 crisis can still contact our NTBHA 24/7 Crisis Line at 866-260-8000.

The Center for Integrative Counseling and Psychology is providing tele-counseling to

new and existing clients. We use a HIPAA compliant platform and accept all insurances

including Medicare and Medicaid. For tele-counseling call: 214-526-4525.

Grant Halliburton Foundation’s “Here For Texas” Mental Health Navigation Line is

operational Monday thru Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. We have also identified a

number of telehealth options, which are in high demand right now. If you know anyone

who needs resources, call the Navigation Line at 972/525-8181. More information

here. You can find a list of other mental health resources and helplines here:

Girl Scouts is providing mental health resources, financial assistance, and virtual

programming. More information here.

COVID-19 Mental Health Articles

● Mental Health Tips and Resources for Children, Adolescents and Adults

Coping During the Pandemic

● Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19 | CDC

● Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus

● Guidance from HHSC on health services providers and COVID-19:

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

● Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope With the Coronavirus Disease


● Talking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource

● Taking Care of Your Behavioral Health During an Infectious Disease Outbreak

● SAMHSA Talking to Children: Tips for Parents, Caregivers and Teachers During

an Outbreak

● Information for Healthcare Professionals: COVID-19 | CDC

● Coronavirus: Multilingual Resources for Schools

● Coping with coronavirus anxiety - Harvard Health Blog

● Five Steps For Dealing With Social Isolation

Domestic Violence Survivor Resources

● Futures Without Violence has compiled useful references, including for community- based advocates and health providers.

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● The work of the National Domestic Violence Hotline is crucial in times like these, and

has 24/7 online chat in addition to their hotline number and excellent safety planning


● We are in close communication with the National Coalition Against Domestic


● VAWnet, a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, has

special collections on topics like disaster and emergency preparedness and


● NNEDV’s own offers an online legal hotline in addition to plain- language information for victims of abuse.

● Report child abuse either by phone 1-800-252-5400 or online at if you suspect a child may be in danger. Every adult in

Texas is a mandatory reporter.

● Families to Freedom assists Dallas area domestic abuse victims with a

ride to shelter or to a family home far away. They work with all DV

shelters to assist with locating available shelter, even if that’s located

across the state of Texas during the pandemic. Contact their help line at


Student Loans Deferment

The US Department of Education has suspended federal student loan payments and

waived interest. The Office of Federal Student Aid has specific details.

Childcare Resources

The Texas Workforce Commission’s subsidized childcare program is making changes to

their requirements in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Please check their website regularly for

announcements coming soon.

Due to COVID-19, YMCA branches are currently closed; however, they continue to offer

limited childcare programming on a daily basis, supporting the childcare needs of first

responders, medical professionals, government officials, and those that must continue their

work in this challenging time. This care will be offered until further notice, at 11 YMCA

branches across the Dallas Metroplex, in accordance to state guidelines.

Dallas Afterschool has moved all training and support to a virtual mode and is now offering

virtual tutoring. For more information, email

The Governor announced the opening of an online child care portal for those on the front

line of the COVID-19 war called (link). At the time of the 4/10 press conference,

88,450 slots were still available with limits of the numbers of children that can be placed.

13,027 infant slots, 22,281 toddler spots, 28,184 pre-k spots, 24,954 school age spots are

still currently available, but the Governor did not mention what would happen if demand

exceeded supply.

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Educational Resources

The talkSTEM YouTube Channel houses over 250 videos for your free use! The

channel includes various sections organized by content, including STEM in the Real

World - Engaging, short, theme-based STEM videos based on math/science concepts

and subject matter. See our latest playlist for Pre K - 2nd Grade : Math in the Early

Years. More information and resources here.

Free downloadable worksheets are available for all parents and educators. Suitable

for K-12. Find them here.

Parent and Educator Youtube Guide

At-Home Learning resources can be found here.

Rec@Home is a weekly video series created by Dallas Park and Recreation, giving

step-by-step demonstrations for fitness workouts, children’s crafts, and healthy eating.

Watch on Youtube here.

The Dallas Public Library is now issuing library cards by email and phone. Loan periods are

being extended, and digital resources are available at A link to more

information for residents is here.

Dallas ISD is providing 10,000 mobile hotspots for students who would otherwise not have

access to high-speed internet service from home. More information here.

SPARK! is providing educational content online, free of charge.

Dallas Region Communities in Schools has created a page of resources.

Big Thought has launched a new to make it easier to access our programs.

Senior Resources

Costco, Walgreens Among Stores Designating Senior Shopping Hours

The City of Dallas Senior Medical Transportation Program (SMTP) is a LAST RESORT

service for low to moderate income persons 60 and older who reside within the City of

Dallas and do not qualify for other Transportation programs.

AARP holds weekly TeleTown Hall meetings on Thursdays at noon CST. Replay can

be accessed here. Other COVID-19 resources can be found here.

The Senior Source has a compilation of resources for seniors as well as their


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The Alzheimer’s Association offers care and support services to those affected by

Alzheimer’s and dementia. Their resources can help caregivers connect with communities,

reduce feelings of isolation and learn tools to manage care, especially during the current

crisis. Call the 24/7 helpline at 1-800-272-3900.

Virtual support groups and education programs can be found at

Employment Resources

• Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas has resources for job seekers. Those seeking

employment can register at

• The Dallas Regional Chamber has launched a virtual job board that offers listings to

individuals who need leads for in-demand jobs; access to online courses to upskill

into high-demand, well-paying jobs; childcare resources for parents involved in

essential work; and links to help workers to file for unemployment claims.

Additionally, as part of this broader initiative to assist displaced workers, the DRC is

also partnering with Uber Works to better fill the emerging workforce gap for hourly

and shift workers. Uber Works, which launched earlier this month in Dallas, connects

shift workers looking for temporary employment opportunities in general labor,

customer service, production, and commercial cleaning with participating employers.

• You can email Goodwill at with your name, city/zip code,

contact number and any additional information. A Goodwill Job Connection Center

Manager or Specialist will contact you directly and set up an appointment for virtual

employment services. You can also contact a Job Connection Center by phone at

the location nearest you:

o 3020 N. Westmoreland Rd, Dallas, TX 75212: 214-638-2800 x185

o 1661 E. Northwest Hwy., Garland, TX 75041: 214-227-5549

o 919 W. Main Street, Lewisville, TX 75067: 972-436-3681

• The North Texas Food Bank has partnered with ShiftShare to employ workers who

have suffered from lost income as a result of the Coronavirus’ impact on the


• Frito-Lay Job Postings:

• Pepsi Jobs:

• Kroger Job Postings:

• Amazon: Dallas/Fort Worth Area, TX

• ALDI Stores: Search our Job Opportunities at ALDI

• Pizza Hut: available jobs include drivers, cooks, shift leaders, restaurant managers

and call center workers: Home

• DHL: Search for Jobs at Deutsche Post DHL | Careers at Deutsche Post DHL

HIV/AIDS Resources

Interim Guidance for COVID-19 and Persons with HIV COVID-19 and Persons with

HIV (Interim Guidance)

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City of Dallas Resident Resource Guide – Updated 4/17/2020

What people with HIV should know about COVID-19

Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility (STRMU) Assistance through the Housing

Opportunities for People With AIDS (HOPWA) program.

AIDS Services of Dallas

Prism Health North Texas’ three health centers are open and operating for certain

essential health services and taking all safety precautions. We see newly diagnosed

and out of care HIV clients, test and treat STI infections, and see new patients for PrEP

to prevent the spread of HIV. Other services are done remotely and by phone/video.

Faith Community Resources

• Texas Baptists is a statewide faith-based non-profit with about 5,300 affiliated

churches across Texas and beyond. Our services primarily are offered to

leaders of affiliated churches seeking to navigate the pandemic. Our COVID- 19 Response page is here. We would be interested in learning how churches

could volunteer their parking lots as drive through testing sites, or their facilities

as makeshift hospitals if needed. Resources include:

o Relief grants to bivocational and small church pastors

o Resources on multimedia streaming, online giving and other church


o Free downloads of adult and child Bible study materials

o Disaster relief through our ministry partner TBM.

• Jewish Family Services has a list of resources and services here: JFS COVID- 19 Updates

• Faith in Texas has a list of resources here: COVID-19 Resources

• Catholic Charities of Dallas has a list of resources here, including community

food pantries, disaster relief services, immigration legal services, and refugee


Other Resources

Paid Sick Leave information: City of Dallas employers must provide employees with paid

sick leave to care for themselves or a family member. An employee may use paid sick leave

for the employee’s or their family member’s illness, injury, healthcare, and reasons related

to domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking. For more information or to file a complaint,

call 214-670-FAIR (3246) or visit

The Texas State Department of Public Safety has suspended expired IDs: driver’s licenses,

IDs, commercial drivers licenses, and election identification certificates expiration dates will

be extended.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, The Dallas County Clerk’s Office will be closing its Vital

Records and Recording Divisions to the public. All transactions will be done either by mail,

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document drop off, or by appointment only. The public closure will take effect starting

Monday, March 23, 2020 through May 1, 2020, but may be extended based on COVID-19


Dallas County Tax Office: In the interest of public health, we have provided the following

alternative options in lieu of face-to-face transactions in the Dallas County Tax Office. Click

here for online and by-mail instructions on common Tax Office transactions.

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas: If you need to apply for help with a nonfamily matter,

you may access an online application at under the tab “Get Help.” To

get help with a general civil legal issue, call our Legal Aid Line at 888-529-5277 ,

Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm. If you are a client and have an attorney

assigned to you, you may call your attorney at their office number or leave a message

at 214-748-1234.

WiNGS has put together a list of community resources here. They are also providing

resources for moms and expecting moms, including access to food, diapers/wipes

and formula, RN telehealth visits, RN home visits for pregnancy guidance and baby

care, skills training, career coaching, and financial coaching. Sign up for appointments

online at or call 214-956-5901.

Carson’s Village is an organization that helps families navigate the difficult decisions

after a sudden, unexpected death. They work with families to find affordable burial

options, raise money, plan a funeral and then support them through their grieving, and

are prepared to serve any families who fall victim to this virus in the North Texas area.

Call or email them at 877-789-0722 or

Veteran Resources

The Department of Veterans Affairs is working to address the outbreak by taking

measures at all VA facilities to protect patients from the COVID-19 outbreak. Currently

VA facilities remain open and continue to provide needed care to our nation’s

veterans. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, any veteran with

symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath should immediately contact

their local VA facility. Find nearby locations here. Alternatively, veterans can sign into

MyHealtheVet to send a secure message to VA or use telehealth options to explain

their condition and receive a prompt diagnosis.

How Can You Help?

● Meals on Wheels needs volunteers.

● Dallas ISD needs volunteers to assist their Food & Child Nutrition Services

team with meal distribution at school sites.

○ Go to; register as a volunteer and complete the brief

online volunteer orientation.

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○ Send an email to to indicate your interest in

helping with meal distribution.

● The North Texas Food Bank needs volunteers and donations.

● Dallas County and the North Texas Food Bank have announced they are launching

a virtual food bank. This will help to fill in the gaps created by a lack of state and

federal funding for food access. Donations instead of food are being encouraged and

can be made by visiting or

● Carter BloodCare and other blood banks are experiencing shortages. Consider


● Jewish Family Service (JFS) have established the S.H.E.F. Emergency Assistance

Fund. The S.H.E.F. Fund is a non-profit effort established to provide “bridge” support

to as many restaurant hourly workers as possible throughout North Texas. JFS will

be providing case management assistance and connecting these workers to eligible

benefits, employment opportunities, counseling and other resources as they

navigate this crisis. If interested, you can donate to this fund at and in the Additional Comments section type “SHEF Fund”

or you can send a check with the same notation to JFS at 5402 Arapaho Road

Dallas, Texas 75248.

● If you would like to assist with providing Protective Personal Equipment (PPE):

○ Submit your information on this website -

Medical providers and cities will have access to this comprehensive list of

providers so they can reach out to get what they need. This will likely be the

fastest way to get your information to the people who need it most.

● Send an email to and include the information

you’ve sent here.

● If a medical provider reaches out in search of supplies, direct them to

● For PPE donations and vendors who want to sell, visit

● Join Communities Foundation of Texas online today through 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May

5th, for an extraordinary giving effort for COVID-19 relief and recovery in North Texas.

The Dallas Cowboys, CFT, and United Way of Metropolitan Dallas are leading the

community in raising funds for the nonprofits who are on the front lines protecting,

feeding, educating, and nurturing those who are most adversely affected by the impact

of COVID-19, as well every North Texas nonprofit that have been deeply affected by the

crisis. With many nonprofits seeing an increased demand for critical services, coupled

with cancelled performances and spring fundraising events, as well as disruptions in

donations and loss of volunteer support, this special giving day aims to bring people

together virtually to support more than 3,000 North Texas nonprofits in need through

CFT’s seamless online North Texas Giving Day platform. You can participate by

encouraging friends and family to donate at North Texas Giving

Tuesday Now will not replace North Texas Giving Day, which is still scheduled for

September 17, 2020.

Grant Opportunities

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City of Dallas Resident Resource Guide – Updated 4/17/2020

The Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institute of Health

have made these grant opportunities available:





Grant Opportunities for Non-Profits

● The Communities Foundation will announce a collaborative fund to provide

grants for non-profits engaged in the Covid-19 response. The North Texas

Cares Fund is for non-profit service providers ONLY who are responding to the

Covid-19 crisis. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and can be

submitted via for eligibility and

consideration includes:

○ Must be 501c3 organization Must provide services in the North Texas


○ Must provide services that address immediate response or long-term

relief efforts in response to COVID-19

○ Requests need to focus on first responders and/or support for

vulnerable populations– (examples could include seniors, children,

homeless, low-income)

Cultural Institution Resources

Dallas Area Cultural Advocacy Coalition compiled the below resources:

● TACA Emergency Arts Relief Fund

● Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan

● Texas Workforce Commission

● National Endowment for the Arts distributes $75 million as part of the CARES Act

● Dallas Entrepreneur Center

● National Council of Nonprofits Loans Available for Nonprofits in the CARES Act

● FreshArts Houston's Guide to SBA Disaster Assistance Loans for Small

Businesses Impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) Video
